Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February is a time for love...

A love of being a Farmer's Wife. I'm still in a dream world living this life. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love doing chores when Joe has other things to do. The cows and I have figured each other out. Miss #2 (Xena) and I have actually become buddies. She used to torture me, by either snorting and tossing her head or even running up to me. Her and I have a new found love for each other. It all started with her trusting me enough to let me scratch her ears and forehead, then she let me touch her belly and legs. Today was a WHOLE new chapter in our relationship. I jumped on her from the stock tank and she just stood there. Now, I must remind you this is a Black Angus who wanted to kill me no more then a month ago. It must me February's love in the air!

We have had a lot of nice weather, then snowy weather, and now just stuck in a windy cold -10 degree week (yuck!) The water tanks freeze almost instantly now, the snow is no fun to walk through with buckets, and the chickens would rather hang out inside then come out. Come on're wanted!

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