Saturday, December 4, 2010

Deep Clean for Christmas!

Tonight was a great laid back night for a good deep down clean. I'm hosting a few different Christmas' this year and so the cleaning began. I tore apart every nook and cranny in my kitchen. Everything seems to be organized and smells good. The living room (were most of the activity is) is spotless and on it's way to entertain. Funny how guests make us feel the need to clean!


  1. Keep blogging, girl. I've been a farmer's wife for ten years now. We met on a blind date - me the ghetto girl and him the bachelor farmer! I, too, worked in an ER for awhile - now, I stay home and we raise kids, cows, corn and beans lol - don't worry about not being "domesticated" - it'll come when you want it too - Merry Christmas!

  2. Angela, my name is also Angela, and I find your blog down to earth, and really cute;) I hope you don't mind if I follow you...but your comment about guest suddenly inspiring you to clean is so true. My boyfriend and I have been living together for a year now, and he say's the same thing about me lol...anyway, I am looking forward to read, congratulations on your marriage!
