Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Elope with a Farm Boy

1.) Find the Farmer of your Dreams!
2.) Sweep him off his Red Wings...
3.) Whisper sweet nothings (ie- Angus, Soy Beans, Silage)
4.) Elope!

Joe and I met on a website, and not just any ol' website, but I grew up riding horses, I love horses! I've done all kinds of showing and even dabbled in some rodeo for awhile. I was looking for a guy who could appreciate my love of these expensive hay eating machines. Joe was looking for someone who could understand the "hours" of farming and also someone who wouldn't mind jumping on the tractor with him.

We dated for 2 years and BANG!...we eloped. This did come to a shock to some friends and family (which by the way nobody new was going to happen). Joe and I took a vacation up the North Shore of Minnesota and married in Grand Marais 9.14.2010. Joe and I are very different human beings...him, being a very strong willed, smart, quiet, thinks things through type of guy...and me, being all over the place with ideas, loud, moody, and very quick to not think things through.

We live on beef/crop farm in Southern Minnesota. We're on top of a hill, overlooking a lake, and have many many acres to do our "Farming Thing" on. We raise Angus, grow Soybeans and Corn, and have our array of animals...Horses, Goats, Chickens, Sheep, Dogs, Cats... (and more to come).

1 comment:

  1. I love your story...Caleb and I met through farmersonly fun!!
