Saturday, February 26, 2011

More Snow! Figures...we're in MINNESOTA!

It's February 26th and again it's snowing. We had a nice melt down last week with highs near the 50's! Then "Old Man Winter" came and dumped a good 16 inches on us. Then, to be just a bit more rude we're getting another 3 inches today. When will it ever stop?!

Bonnie my Father-in-Law's Belgian Mare

Molly the Mule

The "Chicks" are in their ugly teenager stage!

Attempting to take pictures of Chet is like trying to get a child with A.D.H.D eating sugar to stop long enough to get a decent pose!


  1. Brrr! We're having 70-80 degree weather and horrible dust storms in our part of the world! We'd love to get some moisture it's looking to be a dry, dry spring.
    Oh my gosh, I loved the pic of your Clydesdale! I want one soooo bad! I got to see the Budweiser horses up close at the ranch rodeo finals, and can't get over how massive they are! I love big horses.

  2. Oops, I just saw the text under the pic! I wondered after I said Clydesdale if that was right. And sure enough, I was wrong! Lol!
