Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

If you're anywhere near Southern Minnesota I'm assured you're seeing the same scene outside...Rain. It's not stopping anytime soon either people! Joe and I did get out on a nice day last week (Thank God!) and were able to enjoy it. We played around with chores, ran back into the woods with the dogs, and just hung out.  Hope you all had a great Easter weekend!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

With good news there sometimes comes bad news sneaking around the corner...

Living on a farm teaches us "farm wives" how to be strong in the times that are tough. It may be putting on a happy face when it seems impossible, it may be doing something you don't really want to do, or it could be having the heart to say goodbye. Being strong I would say has been one of my big attributes in life, but I always have a hard time staying strong in the time of losing a loved one.

I believe most farms have a farm dog. These dogs are everything to our farm. They're loyal, hard workers, always there for us, and seem to never complain. I had a great chance in life to own a once-in-a-lifetime amazing dog.

Sawyer came to me my Senior year of High School. I had just recently put down a farm dog (Wyatt) who was run over by a car, one of the many hazards of a farm dog. Sawyer was WAY too expensive, he was from a breeder in Georgia, and was a Doberman (big, bad, evil, attack dog! NOT!) My boyfriend at the time helped me save money for him (and his plane ticket up here!). He came to me via Northwestern Airlines in a kennel. This dog was a gentle giant from the start. He was sweet as can be. He was velcro. Everywhere I went he tagged along, roadtrips, horseback riding trips, camping, errands, friends houses, everywhere. Sawyer also went through a lot with me, the loss of my boyfriend at the time, high school graduation, college graduation, the slew of boyfriends, car accidents, mulitple rental houses, getting marred, and finding out I was pregnant. He was always my stable friend, my companion, my shadow. Sawyer changed many people's ideas on Dobermans. He was so gentle with kids, he never growled, he was a great listener. Sawyer was kind of accident prone. He was once T-boned by a Basset Hound at the dog park and hurt his shoulder. He once swalled a whole bottle of cold medicine pills and had to have his stomach pumped. He once ran through a sliding glass door. Accident prone! He had a condition called Wobblers. It's a horrible thing that end up taking the mobility of your dog away. We found out Sawyer had this about a year and a half ago. He was staying at my Parents place to "rehab" from the cold Minnesota weather and ended up twisting his stomach and passing away last night. It was a horrible thing to go through. I would consider him a child of mine. I know he's in a better place with all of his former doggie-friends who've passed, but the hurt is still so there. He was a great dog and I had the chance of a lifetime to own such a loving dog.

You'll be missed Butt Butt! xoxox